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Diamond: The Dazzling April Birthstone


A “Diamond is the most valuable, not only of precious stones, but of all things in this world.”- Roman naturalist Pliny. Classic and timeless, highly desired, beautiful, and tough. Is it any coincidence that the traits of the diamond match the traits of those that are born during this month? Those who get to claim the April birthstone as their own are lucky. Diamonds are one of the toughest substances on earth and are formed over billions of years while being put under immense heat and pressure. Once they are uncovered, cleaned and polished, their sparkle and beauty is irresistible.

From a spiritual standpoint, it is said that the properties of a diamond can help reduce fear, help bring about new beginnings, stimulates creativity, and can bring better relationships and clarity to its wearer. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why the diamond is the most popular gem used for engagement rings and wedding bands.

How Diamonds are Formed

Diamonds are incredibly rare as they are the purest form of transparent carbon. They get their name from the Greek word Adamas meaning unconquerable or invincible, which is fitting since Diamonds are one of the hardest substances on Earth (scoring a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness). This means that scratching a diamond is a very difficult task.

Roughly 124 miles below the earth’s surface in the mantle, carbon, the element that makes up a diamond, is exposed to exceedingly high temperatures, up to 2,372°F, and immense pressure at over 725,000 lbs./square inch. This elemental equation is what makes a diamond; carbon + heat + pressure. But then, how do they get from the mantle all the way to the earth’s surface? The answer… VOLCANOES, or kimberlites to be exact! Kimberlites are special volcanoes/ volcano pipes that are filled with diamonds, and during magma explosions these kimberlites transport the diamonds to the earth’s surface.

The History of Diamonds

The first diamonds were discovered in India in the fourth century BCE. However, diamonds have been a part of the earth for much longer than that. The youngest deposits are said to have formed at least 900 million years ago.  After discovering these beautiful gems, diamonds became a hot commodity for trades and became a symbol of beauty, wealth, and social standing. Ancient civilizations believed that these gems had the power to heal and cure wounds and illnesses because of the diamond’s overwhelming beauty, compared to many other types of stones. Traders and blacksmiths coveted these precious gems because they were hard enough to be used to engrave metal. 

Diamonds eventually made their way to Western Europe and by the 1400s, diamonds were fashionable all over Europe. In the 1700s, India’s supply began to dwindle and Brazil became the new leader in diamonds. Sources have continued to change throughout the centuries. In today’s society, South Africa lead in diamond supply. Diamonds are not only dazzling accessories but they are used in tools for cutting and drilling as well as state-of-art laser weapons where high energy needs to be focused.

What Do Diamonds Symbolize?

Although diamonds may symbolize different things to an individual, there are common themes that are carried across cultures when considering the symbology of a diamond. These include:

Eternal Love

Diamonds are often used to represent eternal and everlasting love. In the United States, diamonds are often the gemstone of choice for engagements and marriages. Their long-lasting shine can be a metaphor or a reflection of a hardy relationship with undying affection. It is the obvious choice for a ring that is meant to represent a love that will last forever. 


The purity of a diamond’s clarity makes it a representation of faith and honesty. 


Diamonds are associated with perfection because of their extreme durability and ability to work as a prism to split light into every color of the rainbow. 


The clarity of a diamond may symbolize innocence and purity. A diamond, being clear, can hide nothing. This is representative of honest, trustworthy relationships.


Diamonds are the hardest gems in the world and may represent unwavering strength.

Diamonds: Sparkling in Color

Did you know that diamonds come in several colors? Those with April birthdays may think that they have to wear a clear diamond, but the truth is that this gem comes in several color variations. The more saturated with color a diamond is, the more valuable it is overall.

Color Variations

Diamonds come in several colors:

  •   Pink. Pink diamonds are the result of high pressure during their creation. 
  •   Chocolate. Chocolate — or brown — diamonds are extremely common. In fact, they make up around a sixth of all diamonds. These tend to be used for industrial and technical purposes rather than jewelry. 
  •   Yellow. Yellow diamonds are mined out of South Africa. The intense yellow diamond is among the most expensive diamonds in the world due to its vivid color.
  •   Blue. Blue diamonds are created when the chemical element boron is introduced during the diamond’s creation. Boron contaminates the diamond’s lattice structure and produces a color that may range from light to dark blue.
  •   Orange. Orange diamonds are highly prized. Nitrogen atoms present in the stones’ structure cause the orange color. These are extremely rare because the Gemological Institute of America rarely grades a diamond as “pure orange.”

How to Wear Diamonds

Diamonds are multifaceted gems. You may choose to wear your diamond jewelry everyday or savor its dazzling beauty and forever shine for special occasions.  

At Brinker’s Jewelers, we have a selection of beautiful diamond necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings for those looking for their own sparkling lucky April birthstone. Stop by our showrooms today. Your perfect diamond is waiting for you!

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